图书信息Film and TV culture 当前位置:图书专区>全部图书>语言学译林(第一辑)


作者:石锋、张洪明 主编


出版日期: 2011-7-1

分类: 其他语言学专著


简介/ Introduction


作者/ Author

Feng Shi is a professor andthe Directorof Linguistics Instituteof Nankai University in China. Heis alsocurrently serving as thechief editor of Journal ofNankaiLinguistics as well as the presidentof Tianjin LinguisticsAssociation.He received his M.A. in 1982 fromRenmin University inChina and hisPh.D. in 1990 from Nankai University.He has been anadjunct professorof Beijing Language and CultureUniversity, aresearch fellow of CityUniversity of Hang Kong, and avisitingprofessor of Nagoya GakuinUniversity in Japan and ChineseSummerSchool of MiddleburyCollege in USA. His researchinterests includeexperimentalphonetics, language acquisition,language contact, andetc. Hongming Zhang is a tenuredprofessor of University ofWisconsin-Madison. He received his B.A. in1981 and his M.A. in 1984in Chinesefrom Fudan University in China,and Ph.D. in 1992 inlinguistics fromUniversity of California at San Diego.Besidesteaching at UW-Madison,he has also taught at FudanUniversity, SanDiego Mesa College,National University of Singapore,andadjunctively serves NankaiUniversity as Shiing-shen ChernChairProfessor and Honorary Directorof Nankai LinguisticsInstitute.He was awarded the title ofChangjiang Scholar by theMinistryof Education of China in 2010. He is currently serving theInternationalAssociation of Chinese Linguisticsas its ExecutiveSecretary. His maininterests lie in the interface study ofsyntax-phonology, phonology, dialectology, poetic prosody, Chinesephilology, and etc.