学科 文化事业 艺术
期数3 /年
5020元/年Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies
1530元/年Critical Inquiry
1670元/年Photography and Culture
5420元/年Cultural Geographies
2120元/年Classical Receptions Journal
1910元/年Classical Receptions Journal
3430元/年Museum International
1030元/年Museum Worlds
3020元/年Library and Information History (原名 Library History)
4740元/年Information Development
4710元/年Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
2680元/年IFLA Journal
2150元/年Journal of Creative Communications
1290元/年The Library Quarterly
4550元/年Journal of Information Science
1920元/年The Library
1730元/年The Library
7530元/年Health Information and Libraries Journal (原名 Health Libraries Review)
4100元/年Games and Culture(A Journal of Interactive Media)
1860元/年Nature and Culture
6920元/年Journalism (Theory, Practice & Criticism)
4100元/年British Journalism Review
4140元/年Global Media and Communication
6260元/年Science Communication (An Interdisciplinary Social Science Journal)
7200元/年Communication Research
4570元/年Television & New Media
4040元/年Convergence (The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies)
9090元/年International Communication Gazette (原名 Gazette)
11150元/年Media, Culture & Society
7810元/年European Journal of Communication
3980元/年Media, War & Conflict
1770元/年Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
1220元/年Journalism & Mass Communication Educator
1220元/年Journalism & Communication Monographs
2150元/年Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing
2200元/年Child and Adolescent Mental Health
2580元/年Psychology of Women Quarterly
6260元/年Sexual Abuse
3190元/年Mind, Brain and Education
4240元/年Health Promotion Practice
6860元/年Behavior Modification
3880元/年Journal of Attention Disorders
5020元/年History of Psychiatry
7670元/年Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
5010元/年Journal of Family Therapy
10450元/年Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
3380元/年Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
2580元/年Journal of Health Management
5530元/年Journal of Child Health Care
2430元/年British Journal of Psychotherapy
3970元/年Journal of Visual Culture
1310元/年American Art
1180元/年Winterthur Portfolio: A Journal of American Material Culture
2520元/年The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
9150元/年Art History
1010元/年Nka: Journal of African Contemporary Art
1440元/年African Arts
4560元/年Leonardo & Leonardo Music Jrnl
3910元/年Animation(An Interdisciplinary Journal)
1860元/年Journal of British Cinema and Televison
1330元/年Journal of British Cinema and Televison
1130元/年Camera Obscura
1020元/年European Comic Art
1340元/年Dance Research
970元/年Dance Research
1600元/年The Opera Quarterly
1440元/年The Opera Quarterly
1480元/年TDR, The Drama Review
1090元/年PAJ: A Jrnl of Performance & Art
1360元/年Popular Music History
1820元/年Music and Letters
1640元/年Music and Letters
3820元/年Journal of Popular Music Studies
4480元/年International Journal of Music Education
1410元/年Journal of Research in Music Education
1530元/年Music Educators Journal
1420元/年The Musical Quarterly
1280元/年The Musical Quarterly
1800元/年Early Music
1620元/年Early Music
8400元/年Music Analysis
650元/年Journal of Music Theory
1350元/年The New Soundtrack
1040元/年The New Soundtrack
2330元/年Computer Music Journal
2130元/年Oxford Art Journal
1920元/年Oxford Art Journal
4320元/年The Design Journal
1770元/年Design and Culture
790元/年West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture
1100元/年Costume: Journal of the Costume Society of Great Britain
3150元/年The International Journal of Press/Politics
2730元/年China Report(A Journal of East Asian Studies)
4450元/年International Political Science Review
9170元/年Journal of Peace Research
7250元/年Security Dialogue
4820元/年Cooperation and Conflict
8020元/年Negotiation Journal
1840元/年The Yale Review
4130元/年The Political Quarterly
7950元/年Development and Change
5680元/年International Affairs (Promoting Dialogue Between Academics and Policy-Makers)
1630元/年South Atlantic Quarterly
680元/年Mediterranean Quarterly
2110元/年Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
1900元/年Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
17650元/年Political Psychology
1820元/年International Security
650元/年World Policy Journal
3510元/年Index on Censorship
2940元/年India Quarterly: A Journal of International Affairs
2660元/年Australian Journal of Public Administration
3130元/年African Affairs
2820元/年African Affairs
2980元/年African Development Review
16380元/年Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series
16380元/年Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series
1940元/年positions: asia critique(原刊名Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique)
2760元/年International Relations of the Asia-Pacific
2480元/年International Relations of the Asia-Pacific
5160元/年European Union Politics
8200元/年European Journal of International Relations
3100元/年Conflict Management and Peace Science
2710元/年Diplomatic History(The Journal of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations)
2440元/年Diplomatic History(The Journal of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations)
2980元/年Middle East Policy
5080元/年International Relations
2790元/年Millennium - Journal of International Studies
20310元/年International Political Sociology
1810元/年Journal of Cold War Studies
1260元/年International Journal of Social Quality
9330元/年Bulletin of Latin American Research
4170元/年Latin American Perspectives(A Journal on Capitalism and Socialism)
4350元/年Latin American Politics and Society
910元/年Small Axe
5230元/年British Journal of Politics& International Relations